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Mowing Tips

Taller grass has deeper, healthier roots, giving you a stronger plant.
If you want grass resistant to disease, weeds and drought, three inches is the rule.

Mow High

  • Results in healthier grass roots.
  • Quickly leads to thicker grass.
  • Increases drought resistance.
  • Taller grass shades out weeds.

Use Sharp Blades

  • Dull mower blades rip and tear grass, leaving the plants at risk of disease.
  • Sharp blades make clean cuts, and clean cuts heal faster.

Leave the Clippings

  • They do not cause thatch.
  • Clippings are a free source of fertilizer; leaving them in place saves time and money!

Cut only 1/3 of grass blade.

Grass blades make food for the plant through photosynthesis. When you cut off most of the grass blade, you cut off the plant’s food supply and force the blades of grass to grow faster. This forced growth spurt uses up the plants’ stored food, hurting the roots and leaving the plants weaker overall.

More Tips!

  • Mow the right way at the right time of day. Mow in early evening, after the heat of the day, and before the dew settles. Lawns should be cut down to 2 inches twice a year – in the fall to prevent snow mold and in early spring to help stimulate growth and green up.
  • Vary the mowing pattern. Varying the mowing pattern every time you mow prevents soil compaction. This will keep your soil and grass healthier.
  • Tune up your lawnmower. Did you know that one gas powered mower puts out the same emissions as 40 new cars? Save gas and have your mower run more efficiently by changing your spark-plugs, air-filter and oil every year.

Credit: Cumberland County Soil & Water Conservation District.
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